
Posts Tagged ‘Joe Biden’

Are Sarah Palin and Family Serial Parental Alienators?

November 4th, 2009 No comments

Although they may seem strange bedfellows, former Governor of Alaska and US VP candidate Sarah Palin (Republican) and smallfry pandering child abuse proponent Jim Beall (Democrat – California Legislature) may have more in common than meets the eye. Both appear to have attitudes towards fathers that suggests they regard denying them contact with their children via access blocking and false accusations. They believe these should be tactics vicious women can legally use without regard for their children. Both think that this form of emotional child abuse known as parental alienation should be ignored and not considered in child custody decisions. Yet child psychologists consider parental alienation of great harm to children.

Palin Family: Serial Parental Alienators?

Sarah Palin and her family have been accused of alienating her daughter Bristol’s child Tripp Johnston from his father, Levi Johnston. Levi Johnston and his sister Mercede claim that the Palin family blocks his attempts to see Tripp. He is contemplating legal action against them to regain time with his son. While detractors point to Johnston being a high-school dropout with a variety of family and personal problems, it looks very likely that the Palin family really does have a problem with parental alienation against ex-relatives they want kicked out of the family and are willing to go so far as using defamation campaigns and frivolous restraining orders to accomplish their despicable goals.

(from Bristol Palin’s Bitter Split!)

“Levi tries to visit Tripp every single day, but Bristol makes it nearly impossible. She tells him he can’t take the baby to our house because she doesn’t want him around ‘white trash’!” Bristol won’t even allow him to watch the baby for a few hours — unless he’s babysitting!

The worst part, Mercede continues, is that the former vice presidential candidate supports Bristol’s treatment of Levi, 19. “I used to love Sarah,” Mercede says sadly. “But I’ve lost lots of respect for her.”

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Joe Biden’s Blabbering Blubberhead Blunders

May 18th, 2009 No comments

US VP Joe Biden is well known to our readers as the proud anti-father architect of the Violence Against Women Act, one of the single biggest blows against the US Constitution and equal rights in the history of America. It makes it easy for women to falsely claim abuse with no evidence, eliminates many due process rights for men, and encourages the government to provide no assistance to abused men and their children.

Biden, a father himself, was all so happy to sell the means to send other fathers into family law hell for votes from the extreme feminists who backed this legislation.

But besides being a pandering politician, Biden is apparently so stupid he recently thought it was perfectly OK for him to blabber the secrets of a bunker built to protect the VP.
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Pandering Anti-Family Politicians Abuse Children and Fathers

May 12th, 2009 No comments

What do President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and California Assembly Member Jim Beall have in common?

The first thing that may come to mind for many is that they are all Democrats. But that’s not nearly so important as that they are all politicians who curry favor with victim feminists and other women voters by engaging in father-bashing and supporting pro-child-abuse and pro-male-abuse legislation. Unfortunately for American families, especially children and their fathers, these politicians are all too happy to berate fathers. They encourage the abuse of children and their fathers in exchange for votes from the pro-child-abuse lobby consisting of disreputable organizations such as National Organization of Women (NOW) and the misleadingly named California Protective Parents Association. Such organizations are mostly comprised of feminists gone insane, but a vote is a vote for these politicians.
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Pork Industry Crushed by “Swine Flu” and Government Idiots

April 30th, 2009 No comments

As the misleadingly named “swine flu” spreads across the world killing a few people here and there, a combination of scientific illiteracy and emotional idiocy are hurting a lot of people and businesses.

The pork industry is seeing sales plummet as people errantly think eating pork is dangerous due to the virus.
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