
Posts Tagged ‘Charles Asher’

CCFC Protests San Diego Family Courts on April 15, 2010

April 12th, 2010 30 comments

California Coalition for Families and Children is sponsoring a protest against the corruption, misconduct, and abuse of the San Diego family law industry on the evening of April 15, 2010, in front of the San Diego County Bar Association (SDCBA) . One of the more responsible custody/psychological evaluators in San Diego County has stated “the San Diego family law courts are the most broken they have been in decades.” Much of the blame falls most directly on the shoulders of many unqualified, biased, and even abusive judges who are harming children and families with their decisions in cases with devastating conflicts that are being encouraged by profit-seeking unethical lawyers and divorce industry service providers.
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CCFC Family Court Reform Presentation in Del Mar, California

January 4th, 2010 1 comment

Press Release from California Coalition for Families and Children (CCFC)

December 30, 2009 — San Diego, California

On Monday, January 4, 2010, national family court reform leaders Barbara Asher, M.F.T. and her attorney husband Mr. Charlie Asher, Esq. of West Bend, Indiana will lead a discussion among San Diego family court reform leaders in Del Mar. Mr. and Ms. Asher will share their experiences in instituting important and healthy reforms to traditional family court practices which many in San Diego have accused of harming children and families.

The Ashers, authors of the popular website, will address the many problems with family court practices used in San Diego, including overuse of psychologists, invalid scientific methods, and a failure to implement collaborative practices already in place in many jurisdictions outside of San Diego.

Notable San Diego film producer and director of “Support? System Down” ( Angelo Lobo, President Harry Crouch of the National Coalition for Men and Men’s Legal Center (, Scripps Mercy Health Vice-Chief of Behavioral Science Dr. Emad Tadros, and President of California Coalition for Children Colbern Stuart, III, Esq. will be in attendance. Channel 10 News will be shooting at the event. The discussion, sponsored by the California Coalition for Families and Children, will be also be recorded and posted on YouTube.

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