
Posts Tagged ‘14th Amendment’

Unconstitutional Child Custody Decisions

July 5th, 2009 No comments

Preponderance of evidence is a commonly used legal standard in family law courts in Western nations including the United States. But in the United States, it is a violation of the US Constitution Fourteenth Amendment due process protections to use such a low evidentiary standard for child custody decisions. Unfortunately, contrary to the US Supreme Count decision, many courts and government agencies routinely violate or bypass the law with impunity for their abuses.
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Georgia Court OKs Teacher Sex with 16 Year Old Students

June 22nd, 2009 No comments

On June 15, 2009, the Georgia Supreme Court announced that it’s legal for teachers to have sex with their high school students as long as the students are 16 years or more in age and consent to it. The verdict was 5-2. While not unanimous, the decision indicates the laws banning teachers having sexual contact with students are weakened by failure to restrict the applicability to students who are not adults and also by failure to specifically state that consent is not allowed as a defense.
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