Why is it that government seems so resistant to punishing sociopaths in family law disputes? These people frequently use false allegations, lies, distortion and vilification campaigns [1], perjury, false reports to law enforcement and child protection agencies [2], and other tactics to badly harm an ex-spouse and his or her family and friends. Many of their abusive and illegal actions are crimes that trigger significant unwarranted expenses on the part of government including law enforcement, child protection, and courts. Given the adverse financial impact on taxpayers that is tantamount to committing fraud, society should have a strong incentive to punish these people and to make them pay restitution for their crimes. Yet this virtually never happens, even when there is clear proof of criminal conduct by these people.
There must be a reason for why these people are not being held accountable for their crimes. Often judges and lawyers say perjury is not punished because it is “too expensive” to prosecute perjury and false reports to law enforcement agencies. The few cases of perjury you do see prosecuted are usually pursued for political reasons even when there is little to no identifiable harm done by the particular lies made under oath.
When you consider other examples of crimes the government does prosecute people for doing, that “too expensive” argument rings false. The government routinely prosecutes people for minor drug crimes that have created nowhere near the damage caused by sociopathic attacks in family law disputes, and they often spend many tens of thousands of dollars pursuing these minor offenders even when there are no identifiable victims besides the drug abuser himself or herself.
Who does more damage to society, the casual drug addict or the sociopath in a family law dispute? The drug addict who gets high in his or her home a few times per week for years but doesn’t drive under the influence and doesn’t sell drugs might do some damage to others, but often it is hard to even identify what that damage is.
On the other hand, the sociopathic liar who files false child abuse reports, lies about domestic violence or rape, and triggers many years of law enforcement investigations, court hearings, CPS actions, and causes the victims of the lies (the children and the falsely accused parent) to be deprived of their rights and financial security. Sometimes people are even incarcerated on the basis of the lies.
The damage often continues for many years, sometimes even decades. Not infrequently, it leads to severe damage to the children and even death by stress or suicide of the falsely accused. Such a sociopath also causes financial damage to taxpayers running into the hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars over the years.
But judging by the almost zero prosecutions for perjury and malicious false reports to law enforcement agencies in obvious cases of malicious lying in family law disputes, it is evidently public policy to not prosecute such a sociopath’s crimes, even when there are multiple identifiable victims and the damages are often extreme.
Why is it that the government may be willing to spend tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to prosecute and imprison a drug user who has hurt possibly nobody but himself or herself but is not willing to prosecute and imprison a perjurer or false reporter who has hurt many others?
One commonly cited reason is that it is against the government’s financial interests to stop extorting the life savings from people stuck in family court. They would much rather keep these conflicts going for years and even decades, lining the pockets of many involved in the courts.
However, there is certainly job security and money to be made that could be found prosecuting sociopathic liars as there are so many of them to be found in family law disputes. Thus there must be another reason for why perjurers and false reporters are not being prosecuted.
A second and possibly more important reason why government does not prosecute perjurers and false reporters is that prosecuting these people would also call unwanted attention to the tactics they use. The government does not want these tactics to be seen for what they are because the abusive and illegal tactics used by a sociopath in a family law dispute are similar to tactics frequently used by government employees including politicians, law enforcement officers, child protection social workers, and court employees such as judges. Character assassination using lies, making false allegations, and harassment including vilification campaigns are the common tools of sociopaths in family law disputes and sociopaths in government.
The government does not want to punish sociopaths in family law disputes because government itself is filled with sociopaths who use the same abusive and illegal strategies to get their way. If they prosecute sociopaths in family law disputes, they increase their own risk for prosecution, too. Much better for them to protect the sociopaths and protect themselves, too.
As a result, I strongly believe that anybody who is seriously interested in advocating for family law reform must also join up with and support groups fighting against other forms of abuse and corruption in the government. Government will consistently oppose necessary reform of family law not just because of greed, but also because such reforms might pave the way to action against the liars, cheats, crooks, and fraudsters that fill the ranks of the political class. Without cleaning up the government and replacing the sociopaths in it with people who will follow the law, there is no real hope of family law reform ever succeeding.
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Further Reading
Abusive Conduct and Failure To Follow Law by Judge William Watkins Requires His Removal From Bench [5]
Los Angeles DA Must Prosecute Wanetta Gibson for False Rape Allegation Against Brian Banks [6]
Former Gov. Jesse Ventura Rightly Labels United States the “Fascist States of America” [7]
San Diego Custody Evaluators Generate Cash Flow by Victimizing Families Using Restraining Orders [8]
How Sociopathic Parents Use Police Reports for Defamation [2]
Prosecuting Civil Perjury Is Unusual, but It Can Mean Prison [9]
4 Comments To "Government By Sociopaths, For Sociopaths Dooms Family Law Reform Efforts"
#1 Comment By Spot On On August 26, 2012 @ 6:53 am
Absolutely! This well-written article is spot-on. There is huge money to be made from keeping the conflicts hot, for years and years. No incentive really, to putting sociopaths in prison. Why do that? Costs the Gov’t money to house and feed prisoners. Doesn’t line the whores pockets with cash. Very good article angiemedia. Keep up the great journalistic work
#2 Comment By Laura Lynn On August 27, 2012 @ 10:16 pm
Another great article by Chris at Angiemedia. Thanks.
Another obvious reason the court may not prosecute perjury is because the perjuror already gave a “contribution” to the judicial officer or appointed minor’s counsel.
And don’t forget the judges, Friedenthal suspected, who are outright sociopaths themselves and get off on abusing children and the other parent.
#3 Comment By Ginny Edmunds On February 23, 2013 @ 3:57 pm
Due to the massive errors and injustices i have seen both in my case and in others I have witnessed, I am on the Board of a nonprofit that was filed to help others in need. I got lucky, I got remarried so I am still in the fight, 8 years now. But others are not so lucky, they are on the street, with or without their children. Wealthy people can destroy others, and people who commit fraud and hide assets, can destroy their exes. Happens all the time, the IRS is defrauded, the courts are defrauded, and the kids suffer. We are trying to pass legislation to change the rules that make it easy for wealthy persons to use the legal system to commit crimes. We help those in San Diego at no cost if they need it. We all work toward getting the courts to take notice. Please contact me if you are a victim, or a taxpayer paying millions due to this system.
#4 Comment By Jane Olson On December 25, 2013 @ 12:29 pm
SO true.