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CPS Reform Advocate Nancy Schaefer Murdered

CPS adversary Nancy Schaefer [1]

Schaefer opposed CPS abuse and corruption

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is reporting that former Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer and her husband Bruce Schaefer were found dead in their home from gunshot wounds on Friday, March 26, 2010. They are reporting it is being investigated as a murder-suicide due to claims Bruce Schaefer was distraught over suffering from cancer. Yet their family denies he was ill. There are many skeptics who discount that theory and instead believe that it is more likely Schaefer was murdered for political or criminal reasons and her husband was framed for the crime and also murdered to prevent him from defending himself and potentially revealing evidence that could implicate the real perpetrators.

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Government Blaming Murder-Suicide Related to Cancer

(from Murder-suicide possible cause of deaths of former state Sen. Schaefer and husband [4])

Sen. Don Thomas, a physician and who said he knew the couple well, said he believed Bruce Schaefer, 74, had cancer.

“In those moments, you are not at your complete sanity,” said Thomas, of Dalton. “Some people figure the best way is to end it for both of you. They were married for so long. Loved each other so much. When you see somebody that you love so much, every now and then, you think the best way out of it is to go and be with the Lord. ”

Family Denies Any Serious Illness

However, the Schaefers’ daughter reports he was not suffering from any serious illnesses.

(from GBI: Husband shot ex-senator, then self [5])

Several notes written by Bruce Schaefer were left behind.

But the Schaefers’ daughter told Sheriff Terrell that Bruce Schaefer was not suffering from any serious illnesses at the time of the shootings, the Gainesville Times reported. Authorities were unaware of Nancy Schaefer, 73, having any major health problems, Terrell said.

Schaefer Advocated Tirelessly for End to CPS Corruption and Abuses

Nancy Schaefer was a strong and vociferous advocate of reigning in and even dismantling CPS agencies across the United States. As many who have experienced their abusive conduct can attest, these government agencies have become self-serving entities that use children and parents as pawns in a sick game to pump up their revenues and ensure security of their jobs by declaring fit parents as abuser, taking children from good homes and throwing them into foster care, and terrorizing families without serious problems with threats, lies, and harassment.

Nancy Schaefer Interview With Alex Jones

There are billions of dollars of US federal government payouts at stake that cause CPS and court abuses against children and families. Schaefer was advocating termination of this federal funding to end these abuses. CPS agencies and social workers across the country were at risk of losing their jobs if advocates such as Schaefer were successful.

But it isn’t just CPS agencies depending upon abusing children and families for a profit. Schaefer pointed out there is an entire industry of social workers, therapists, psychologists, judges, lawyers, foster parents, and others who depend upon the government forcibly taking children from their families to be used to earn federal funds which are then used to pay all of them:

(from Report of Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer on CPS Corruption [6])

· that Child Protective Service and Juvenile Court can always hide behind a confidentiality clause in order to protect their decisions and keep the funds flowing. There should be open records and “court watches”! Look who is being paid! There are state employees, lawyers, court investigators, court personnel, and judges. There are psychologists, and psychiatrists, counselors, caseworkers, therapists, foster parents, adoptive parents, and on and on. All are looking to the children in state custody to provide job security. Parents do not realize that social workers are the glue that holds “the system” together that funds the court, the child’s attorney, and the multiple other jobs including DFCS’s attorney.

Schaeffer was also working hard to shut down child sex slave trafficking in Georgia. Atlanta reportedly has some of the highest rates of these crimes against children in the United States.

Suspicion of Political Assassination

Clearly there are many people with motivations to kill Nancy Schaefer to slow down the momentum she and associated groups were building to force CPS overhauls. It would not be so hard for these people, with so much money at stake, to kill her and Bruce and make it appear Bruce pulled the trigger.

Gathering letters mentioning financial or other problems wouldn’t be so hard — just force Bruce to take the killers to them. Producing a suicide note also wouldn’t be hard — force him to write it by threatening Nancy’s life at gunpoint. Threats against their children and grandchildren could also be motivating. After that, everything is relatively easy as no more cooperation from Bruce Schaefer would be needed.

In turns out that Senator Don Thomas, quoted above as he quickly spread the murder-suicide theory barely after the start of an investigation, before it reached any conclusions, is in charge of the Georgia Health and Human Services Senate Committee which oversees Georgia’s versions of CPS known as the Department of Family and Children Services (DFCS). His committee should be involved with cleaning up the abuses and corruption within DFCS, but little progress has been made under his watch. He may have an interest in seeing Schaefer dead and also in bringing disrepute to her family that could explain his quick rush to blame Bruce Schaefer.

Reasons To Doubt Murder-Suicide Explanation

Garland Favorito, a long-time friend of Nancy Schaefer, wrote an article in which he listed out many reasons why a murder-suicide is totally inconsistent with the beliefs and character of the Schaefers.

(from Oddities in the Nancy Schaefer “Suicide” Case [7])

Even before a GBI investigation could be initiated, media outlets began pronouncing that their death was a “murder-suicide” and shut off most public comment posting on their web sites. The “murder suicide” theory implies that Sen. Schaefer’s husband shot her and then killed himself (or vice versa). Both Habersham County and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation began investigating the case as a “murder suicide” rather than the more obvious “murder made to look like suicide”. Like so many people, I have known former Sen. Nancy Schaefer for 15 years and spoken to several people who know her better than I do. They believe that the “murder suicide” theory is highly unlikely for any one of the following reasons:

1. It is totally against Nancy Schaefer’s consistently strong commitment to the sanctity of life principles that she has fought so valiantly to uphold;

2. Nancy and her husband, Bruce, have five children and more than a dozen grandchildren who they would not choose to leave behind so abruptly;

3. Bruce’s problem with cancer was corrected and under control so there was no reason to end his life as one senator tried to imply;

4. Nancy or Bruce would not likely agree to commit such an act that violates the fundamental principles of their Christian faith;

5. Bruce was retired and the couple did not appear to be in any type of dire financial crisis that would lead them to commit such acts;

6. Bruce and Nancy knew that her sister who had Alzheimer’s disease needed her to help take care of her;

7. Friends who knew the couple best state that Bruce would simply not have the capability to kill his wife;

8. Nancy was dedicated, as a national leader, to help needy people overcome abuse within Child Protective Services organizations;

9. Nancy was actively exposing corruption within the Department of Family & Child Services (DFCS) including actions by the DFCS director in the county where she lived.

10. Nancy knew that she was needed in the fight against child sex slave trafficking in Atlanta which has one of the highest activity rates in the country;

11. Bruce was highly supportive of Nancy’s work for decades and would have little or no reason to suddenly try to kill her at such a critical juncture in her career.

In the eulogy delivered at the funeral, Kathleen Deeringer revealed her recent contacts with the Schaefers and how it was implausible to her they could be involved in a murder-suicide:

(from Eulogy for Nancy Schaefer [8])

I spoke with Nancy many times through the years, and we emailed each other often. We stayed in touch after I left the United States and moved to Europe with her warning and advice. She was concerned about my safety, not once fearing for her own life. I cannot express how much I love, admire, respect I have for this woman who I will deeply miss. She gave it her all… she had to fight so that OUR children could be saved and set free from the criminals who are racketeering and profiting off innocent families and children. She did everything in her power to expose these criminals and people who are involved. She never gave up and this is something many of us tremendously appreciate and admire. Unfortunately it cost her the Congressional seat and now her tragic death, her husband’s as well.

Many of you family members are here today and together we grieve. We all know that this was no “murder-suicide pact” as being reported by the media, and Nancy did NOT kill herself. Bruce was not dying. I just spoke with Nancy last week when her and Bruce were on their way out to dinner. They were laughing. They were joking. They were HAPPY! They were NOT planning their own deaths, or this funeral today! She was scheduled to give a speech this week and had an interview planned with my colleague and friend William Wagener with On Second Thought TV who sits here beside me. During her last days Nancy was afraid. She was scared for her life – but that didn’t stop her. She used ’safe’ phones to relay ’sensitive’ information, but someone didn’t want this information getting out. Instead they murdered both her and her husband – to keep them quiet. I know that Nancy didn’t die in vain, and I am committed to carrying on her fight to ensure that they catch the people who were responsible for their deaths.

Possibly we will never really know the truth of what happened, but it is disturbing that the government has become so abusive to the citizens of this nation that the public is widely speculating that a politically motivated assassination and cover-up may be involved in these deaths. The United States has been heading down a long, dark road to the abyss for decades. With the death of Nancy Schaefer, there is one less hard-working patriot to prevent the ultimate ruination of the citizens of this nation at the hands of their government.

Further Reading

CPS Warrior Nancy Schaefer Gunned Down [9]

Oddities in the Nancy Schaefer “Suicide” Case [7]

Eulogy for Nancy Schaefer [8]

Report of Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer on CPS Corruption [6]

Teach Your Children: Government is Dangerous to Their Lives [10]

Nancy Schaefer Exposes Corrupt Business of CPS on The Alex Jones Show 1/4 [11]

Murder-suicide possible cause of deaths of former state Sen. Schaefer and husband [4]

GBI: Husband shot ex-senator, then self [5]

Hundreds attend Schaefer funeral [12]

George Eagle Forum [13]

13 Comments (Open | Close)

13 Comments To "CPS Reform Advocate Nancy Schaefer Murdered"

#1 Comment By Turn the Tables On April 2, 2010 @ 1:53 pm

If DFCS and Don Thomas were involved in killing the Schaefers, it may be time for families helped by Nancy to turn the tables and do to the killers what they have done to the Schaefers. These families have little else to help them now Nancy is gone. DFCS will steamroll over them and take their kids.

Something’s gotta be done to stop these DFCS bastards!

#2 Comment By Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan On April 14, 2010 @ 3:34 am

It in is no ways contradictary that Nancy and Bruce Schaefer, of blessed memory, both had financial difficulties and were murdered.

It is very possible that an economic “hit” was put on them to two purposes:

1) To discourage them from publishing the documentary and book that Nancy was close to completing.

2) In the event that that did not have the desired effect, it could be used as a cover story for their murders – as I believe is the case.

#3 Comment By SCOTT A. On May 18, 2010 @ 4:24 pm


#4 Comment By laura jackson On May 26, 2010 @ 10:39 pm

I say for what has been done every family that has had a child taken away first time mothers first time parents. I say we band together, meet, have a discussion, and write to our dumb ass president and tell him what needs to be done. I have talked with Mrs. Schaefer and she is a godsend. As far as our government, I say we just get enemy countries involved. I mean our country steals their children for the money. So let us all band — together we have it in us. I was raped at the age of 6 years and CPS and the cops didn’t protect me at all. But they took my kids.

#5 Pingback By Ben Vonderheide Exposes Pennsylvania’s Abusive Child Profiteering Racket | angiEmedia On September 7, 2010 @ 6:05 am

[…] you naively think that government-backed murder could never happen. Consider the untimely death of CPS reform advocate and former George Senator Nancy Schaefer before you jump to that conclusion. She was working tirelessly for years to force reform on the […]

#6 Comment By Rose On October 8, 2010 @ 12:52 am

I was a victim of CPS corruption as a child. As an adult I struggle to overcome the obstacles that lay before me and I live to achieve a somewhat normal life. I don’t live like a victim. Instead I live as a victorious survivor. I am at a loss for words over the double murder of these two people. They are with god now, and there will be justice. My heart goes to the family and friends, I am sad for their loss. And my encouragement goes to the brave Kathleen Derringer who has chosen to continue this fight. Lies will never remain in the dark, because the truth is the light.

#7 Comment By SCOTT A. On October 12, 2010 @ 4:50 pm


#8 Comment By David Steele On October 26, 2010 @ 1:28 pm

I am asking for help I need to join groups related to fighting this monster CPS. We are good loving parents who do more than provide what is needed for our children and because of someone with envy called and made a report against us now we have trouble with this monster of an agency that destroys families and ruins children, sometimes even kills them. I am an adult child CPS victim, I know what happens when children are taken and I am scared to death for all children who are victimized by them. This is unrepairable damage that lasts a life time for the families and the poor child. I raise my children to believe in God of the most high and Jesus Christ and I do my best to obey all the teaching of Christ so I can produce good fruit. CPS produces bad fruit and creates devils, we need to stop them before God hands us over to a cruel lord.

Please send email with information for help to [14] .


David Steele

#9 Comment By One of Thousands On October 26, 2010 @ 8:23 pm

There’s little you can do David. You’re facing overwhelming odds of an extremely corrupt, incompetent, and/or brutal government.

Ben Franklin said “Democracy should be more than two wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for dinner.” and “A Constitutional Republic is when the sheep has a gun.”

Guess who’s the sheep?

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” ~Thomas Jefferson

#10 Comment By richard sievert On January 10, 2011 @ 12:53 am

Hello My name is Mrs. Susan Lynn Sievert I am a concerned mother of Lawrance scott Sievert my son My husband’s name is Richard Scott Sievert We 1 had a horrible experience at St. Margarets hospital in spring valley illinois my I went in because I was pregnant with my son Lawrance, First off we where planning a natural birth, So that I could be more useful and beneficial to our new born child. ‘Everything was going as planned until they started whispering to one another we where there waiting to see if the dilation was sufficient to give birth to our son. We wanted to wait for my water to break naturally that was our original plan. ‘My sister In Law also interfered with our own wishes, saying the doctors knows best repeating it to my husband time and time again any time he spoke we did not go there to have an induced labor. ‘After they returned from saying the dilation was four ten minutes later they had this awfully fat woman check it again, I have her picture she said it was a 8 my husband questioned that and 2there reply was so fast and fuzzy that we couldnt understand them. Now i am a licensed CNA and i know enough about child birth from the videos i watch and from the things i studied that a four dilation cannot go to an 8 dilation in htat amount of time, and also know a woman’s uterus cannot open that quickly and they proceeded without asking us on the induction! I was traumatized my sister In Law kept saying they know best my husband recorded this ordeal and got a call from a friend and so he being a concerned father that he objected to the way they did this whole planed c section and left. He did not threaten anyone he did not touch anyone or me the wife or our unborn son, ‘Lawrance Scott Sievert. He did not try to stop the doctor or the nurses he did not lay a hand on anyone he just went to our truck and had a cigarette, ‘He started smoking over this traumatic experience but now has quit again.’Richard was not putting my life in danger or my child, he did not try to stop anyone from there procedures. ‘No they did not respect our wishes. This was not my sisters son this is our child and they know they are wrong. And they are the ones that placed my sons life in danger for trying to force me to push my son through a four inch dilation. ‘Now with all the living proof how can anyone say that Richard put my unborn child or my life in any danger? Their is a mark on our sons forehead that is living proof they tried to get me to push my son through a four inch dilation. ‘I am concerned that this hospital is inducing women like myself to get more money from DSHS that is my reason for writing you. ‘Also they filed a report on my husband with CPS just because he said he objected to the procedure. ‘I do not want to sue anyone but if that stops this hospital from doing this to other couples, ‘Than yes we will. ‘All I want is this hospital to be investigated for falsely inducing women that originally wanted a natural birth! ‘My experience at the hospital was awful and I would not ever recommend anybody to go to that hospital, ever for the bad way they treated me and my husband, ‘Richard Scott Sievert, and our now living child, ‘Lawrance Scott Sievert.

#11 Comment By SCOTT A. On January 20, 2011 @ 3:13 pm


#12 Comment By clouds On October 1, 2011 @ 11:18 am

Or you had a bad dream (thats a note) Nancy Shafer was so right and they executed her and her husband execution style for speaking up about these evil people! Who are hell bent on destroying families that believe in god! They started my case a year ago for saying i believed god! and I thought Christ was watching the delivery of our child in a catholic hospital who now implants things into our children without parents permissions catholics are evil do not have your baby in a “Nazi hospital of Satan!

#13 Comment By imupset On February 24, 2012 @ 9:27 pm

I strongly believe that documents Nancy recieved from us play a part in her death. Too see a few of the documents visit Youtube at Kidnapper above the law.mwv
It’s only documents no sound, so look closey how this kidnapper has (16) names for each case etc. Huge Georgia cover-up !