We’ve added Google Translate as a feature on our site. Now readers who read better in a language other than English can easily have Google translate the page for them. Simply look down at the new control bar at the bottom of the web page and pick the desired language from the pop up menu on the right side. A control bar will appear on the top of the page showing you that the page has been translated to another language and giving you the option to go back to the original view.

On the left side of the control bar, you’ll see the IP address you are using to view the page. We make this visible in particular to help those who want to write comments on articles without readily revealing their identities. Anonymous speech is important to the fight against corrupt and abusive courts and governments. You can read more about why this is the case and tools that can help you speak your mind without being persecuted by the government in my article Exercising Your Free Speech Rights Despite Government Harassment [1].
Immediately to the right of the IP address is a bookmarking and sharing tool that makes it easy for you to share our content with your family, friends, and associates via Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz, Digg, StumbleUpon, MySpace, and many more services.
If you think of any other features you’d like us to add, please leave a comment on this article or send us an email.