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California Men’s Centers – San Diego

Are you a guy whose wife or girlfriend is abusing your children and you? Have you been falsely accused of child abuse by you ex as a tactic to keep you from seeing your children? Have you had a falsely obtained restraining order used on you to kick you out of your home, ban you from seeing your children, defame you as a violent person, and to emotionally and financially rape you? Is your boyfriend or husband being attacked by his ex-wife using such aggressive manipulations of the legal system?

Californians who can answer yes to any of these questions can find more help at the web site of California Men’s Centers [1].

Based upon the group’s support of shared parenting and stance against the use of false accusations, women who are partners of an abused man or who themselves are in a such an unfair situation could also find advice and help from them.

The group also has a physical location in downtown San Diego:

California Men’s Centers
932 C Street, Suite B
San Diego, CA 92101

They describe their group’s mission as follows:

(from California Men’s Centers – About Us [1])

The California Men’s Centers began as the San Diego Men’s Center in late 2004. Within five years we hope to have centers in other locations in California. Hence, the generic California Men’s Centers.

The Center offers information, referral, mediation preparation, individual coaching, support groups, and DNA paternity testing. For a complete list see our “Services” page. NOTE: We are not attorneys and do not give legal advice.

We are supported entirely by private funding, mostly individual donations. We have no desire to seek federal or state grants which if secured would necessarily make us part of the problem rather than part of the solution. Even if organizations such as ours could get state funding anti-male sentiment drives the funding sources, allocating legislation, and provision of services.

Men are discriminated against, especially in westernized societies.
Consequently, a plethora of various services exist for almost any group
other than men, particularly heterosexual men, their families, and the
women that love them.

For example, California prohibits the use of state funds to provide
services for heterosexual males and male children over the age of 12
who are victims of domestic violence. This example readily shows the
depth of System discrimination against males even when young and

When talking about the California Men’s Center San Diego numerous
people have asked if it’s a gay rights organization, which it is not, except
in terms of equal rights for men, all men, regardless of sexual

In fact, the primary focus of the Men’s Center is helping men, their
families, and the women that love them, though we encourage others
to become actively involved. Consequently we started a Second
Spouses Club primarily for women. Many gays and lesbians are
confronted with discordant child custody; paternity, abuse, and related
issues and we welcome their participation as well. It’s interesting that
so many people associate the word men with being gay, as if
heterosexual men and their issues are simply not worth considering.

We will help anyone seeking our services within our ability and
resources; however, we reserve the right to refuse services to anyone.

The Men’s Center intends to fill voids in the provision of community
services with innovative services and programs, not replicate
established ones. People seeking Men’s Center services will be
referred to established service providers as applicable and appropriate
at the sole discretion of the Men’s Center.

Ask yourself, “Why raise our sons to be disposable?”

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Further Reading

California Elkins Family Law Task Force Seeking Comments [4]

California Legislature Orders Investigation of Family Law Courts [5]

Unconstitutional Child Custody Decisions [6]

Holding Family Law Judges Accountable [7]

Parents Say They Are Drained Of Money By Court Professionals [8]

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1 Comment To "California Men’s Centers – San Diego"

#1 Pingback By Male Domestic Violence Victims Suffer from Wrongful Gender Bias | angiEmedia On September 30, 2010 @ 11:43 pm

[…] Disordered Abusers in Family Law CourtsPoor Married Joe: Abused by “Psycho Demon” SpouseCalifornia Men’s Centers – San DiegoAbusive Women “Acceptable” By Double StandardsNFL Football Star Steve McNair Allegedly Murdered […]